Outlining the next chapter.

For over thirty years I wrote marketing copy for scores of companies and agencies in California. (I co-owned my own agency for a while as well.) Clients included Fortune 500 companies such as Apple and HP, Silicon Valley startups, private jet firms like Clay Lacy Aviation, and marketers for K-12 and Higher Ed. I also wrote for nonprofits in healthcare, social services and other arenas—a few of those materials are shown here.

Now in Atlanta, I’m working on select projects for clients around the country—as well as on my own creative writing and a reimagined version of this website. Reach me at 470.439.0852.

Brookside Community Health Center

Brookside Community Health Center

Hatlen Center for the Blind

Hatlen Center for the Blind

Friends of the San Francisco Public Library

Friends of the San Francisco Public Library

Shanti Project

Shanti Project

Mission Economic Development Agency

Mission Economic Development Agency

Lifelong Medical Care

Lifelong Medical Care

Planned ParenthoodSan Mateo

Planned Parenthood
San Mateo

UCSF AIDS Health Project

UCSF AIDS Health Project

Community Action Marin

Community Action Marin